Monday, June 22, 2009


It was never my intention to write a blog about a blog but I am shamelessly going to do just that!  I read a blog from a friend of mine, Shawn Strannigan.  The name of her blog is "I Will Not Be Silent Anymore".  The story that touched me deeply was about an encounter with a hairdresser...that ended up being a God Story.  Shawn was not at a hairdresser to get a God Story, she was there obviously to get her hair done for her daughter's wedding.  The exciting thing about this is...God is a creative multitasker and without us even knowing what is going to happen, He can lead us to exactly where He wants us and we simply get the pleasure of receiving His blessing meant for us personally.   He can do the most amazing things for us!  We can just be doing "life" and He will make the simplest thing a complete and total blessing.  I am not going to steal Shawn's have to go to her site and read it and be blessed.  

The Holy Spirit goose bumps that I received made me ask a question of myself.  If God can show Himself to us when we aren't even looking, how much more would we see if we had our eyes open and expecting to see God?  Why is it that people feel comfortable going through life talking about "coincidences"?  Why are we embarrassed when a God Story is exposed and we want to minimize it with..."Wow, what a coincidence!"  I don't know...maybe we are afraid of being labeled.  I think in my case I feel so inadequate that it is actually hard for me to accept that inspite of my frailties and faults He would want to show Himself to me.  When I share God Stories with people, I put my own paranoid slant on what people are thinking.  I get that same feeling when I know God gave me a song to write and I go out of my comfort zone to share it with someone and I wonder why I did that!!!  The more I share what God is doing in my life, the more I feel I am doing what He wants me to do.  Maybe a simple song written out of true emotion and devotion is what people are looking for.  Realness.  When people show their weakness to me, I listen even more to what they are saying or singing.  

I want to keep looking for God Stories.  I want to be a part of God Stories.  Lately, I have challenged people to look for God Stories...He is always wholly present but are we?  

In a previous blog, I wrote a story about "Circle Church".  Just recently, I had a concert in my music room.  A couple of days before the concert I went to my coffee shop.  I honestly did not go there to meet up with my new friends.  I went there to get my free coffee.  My coupon was full and it was time to "cash in" and get my free latte!  I went there alittle later in the morning, pretty confident no one would be there from my group.  Surprise!  There were two of the guys still hanging out.  Both of them wanted to know where I had been.  I explained that one of the weeks I had been sick and this last week I was running around trying to get things together for a concert at my house.  Immediately, one of the guys said, "Concert!?!"  "What kind of concert?"  I explained it was a gal from San Francisco who was on tour and I was hosting a home concert.  He said, "Oh, I suppose we aren't invited.  It is for special people!" I laughed and said, "Are you interested?"  The one said to the other, "I'll go if you go!!!"  I was alittle surprised and gave them my address.  When I came home, I told my husband there was a possibility that people from my Circle Church would be coming to the concert.  I told him I thought it was a slim chance of that happening!  Surprise again!  Not only did the two of them come to the concert but one of them brought his wife and his neighbor! my book?!  It's another God story.  After that concert, one of the guys is seriously thinking about rededicating himself to Christ.  He is asking all kinds of questions and God is making him very uncomfortable and dissatified with the life he leads right now.  I believe it is going to happen soon.  After a long discussion the other day, I asked him if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and does he believe that Jesus died for him...his answer was "Absolutely!"  He says he is afraid and not quite ready to commit.  He went on and on about the concert and about her great talent.  I told him I didn't think it was about her was where God wanted to talk to his heart.  I believe God set the stage for this concert.  It was a great night with a Christian artist and a cozy relaxed atmosphere...with a much bigger agenda than I had planned.  It was all about God.

See again...why wasn't I looking for that!!!!!  God is truly awesome, isn't He?

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